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We often see ministry events as the great end. We invest a ton of time, energy and money into church events. But we have been cultivating the idea that events are a means to an end! It’s about relationship. We believe God works uses people to reach people, not events to reach people. So, VBS, for example, is an opportunity to connect with individuals in the community, but it doesn’t end after the week of VBS is finished.

It was a great blessing to see Renacer church work together as a body for VBS. Earlier in the Summer, Renacer had gone out to work with a church planter they sent to offer VBS in a rural area of Ecuador. God worked through that week as Renacer from Quito, La Gracia church plant in Chillanes and Bible Baptist Church from Sodus, NY joined together to share God’s love in Chillanes, Ecuador.

In August, a group from La Gracia came to help Renacer with a week of VBS! We averaged about 130 kids per day! However, the greater blessing was to see the people identify relationships and needs from the kids who came. The church divided into groups to follow up and visit families in the afternoon. VBS was a means to an end in showing love to our community. We continue to pray that God would use these Gospel opportunities to transform lives and build His kingdom.

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