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Being an intern at the local church, Roca Viva in Costa Rica, has been one of the most enriching experiences of my life. It allowed me to see up close how the ministry works and discover facts about God that allow me to serve. I learned to work as a team, to serve with humility, and to depend more on the Lord. More than just performing tasks, it was a process where God shaped my character and strengthened my faith.

In addition, this experience helped me connect more with my church and the people in it. Sharing with leaders and brothers in faith allowed me to grow spiritually and better understand the importance of discipleship and service. It has also been a blessing for my wife and children, as together we learned to live our faith in a more practical way and committed to the work of the Lord.

Lastly, the internship made me grow not only in knowledge, but in passion for the ministry. It was not just about learning how to do things, but about being transformed in the process. Each opportunity to serve was a lesson in faith, patience, and love. I now have a clearer vision of my purpose in the Kingdom of God and a greater desire to continue serving with my family.

By, Arturo Martinez.

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